Produced in EU

Our Company Bolkan Dolphin Ltd. was established in 2001 in Bulgaria, Varna and The first Bungee Trampoline was produced and installed then and started to bring joy, this brilliant idea took deep part in the Kids hearts since then it is top leader in the Fun Schedule , children are especially enthusiastic about the weightless body sensation.
You can try all kinds of acrobatic figures or simply enjoy the bounces. The elastic will give you a boost to propel you into the air and will offer you a soft landing. Get ready to experience thrilling and sporty moments until the end of your session! The Bungee Trampoline is a fun game where you are held by elastics to bounce safely on a special jumping mat. Imagine yourself doing somersaults and impressive figures without any risk!
A Bungee Trampoline attraction usually consists of a platform of trampolines specially designed for this activity. The trampolines are equipped with strong, elastic bungee cords that are connected to a harness attached to the jumper. These elastic bands act like springs, allowing the participant to launch themselves into the air and perform incredible jumps, somersault and acrobatic tricks.
This activity is open to a wide range of participants, usually can start with 2 years old and minimum weight is ok too. It is also suitable for children under adult supervision using elastic rope. It is important to follow and keep the safety instructions provided by the attraction staff . Bungee jumping offers a thrill while ensuring the safety of participants. Bungee Trampolines provide both propulsion in the air and cushioning on the way down, ensuring an enjoyable and safe jumping .
The bungee trampoline offers impressive bounces and aerial acrobatics.
We provide full instructions of safety regulations and of course tips in order to bring all the confort smooth work .
Bolkan Dolphin has strong experience in Producing and selling huge fields of Amusements such as :
Bungee Trampoline – Many types (Trampoline bungee on trailer , 4 trampoline bungee , 2 trampoline bungee , Single Trampoline Bungee , Trampoline Amusement park, Trampoline parks , Trampoline Playground , Jumping forain , Bungee elastique , Fun parks , Forain trampoline ,Trampline bungee , amusement park .
With our bungee trampolines you can jump safely up to 8-10 meters in the air,
depending on the model you have !
The bungee trampoline can come with 6 m, 7m and 8 meters
High construction and also with different diameter of the tramps !
There is also model with Trailer and of course can come with different size and number of tramps

We can make specially for you a combination of size and forms of the Bungee that suits your idea and place also with a project for the look of billboards and lights.

The Harnesses are designed and produced by us too , with more than 25 years of experience they fits perfect and give all the safety and comfort you need
Also we offer you spare parts and upgrades ( Elastics rope , carabiners ,elastics, steel ropes and many more)
The Elastic cords are made with big coefficient of stretch factor more than 2.5 … 3 times and a protection shield produced in EU Bulgaria with all certificates.
All the sets come Fully operational with all you need to start working.